Public private partnership critical for higher education Krishnan N., Ph.D Research Scholar Department Of Economics, Erode Arts & Science College, Erode Online published on 3 January, 2012. Abstract Education has always played and continues to play a significant role as change agent. Since independence, the Education is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing poverty and inequality. Education is equally key to enhance India's competitiveness in the global economy. Therefore, ensuring access to quality education for all, in particular for the poor and rural population, is central to the economic and social development of India. Government of India has provided policy support and public funds to create one of the world's largest system of higher education. In fact, India higher education system is intertwined with political, economic, demographic, social and international dimensions. With the result, the higher education system in India differentiates itself in terms of status, governance, ownerships, funding, administration and control arrangements. There is little suspicion and negative connotations regarding private institutions within public education. By and large in India higher education system has been “over-regulated” and “undergoverned” making it more complex giving rise to ambiguities. The rational of Public-Private Partnership in the Indian context lies in access, funding and infrastructure. It is important to analyse dynamics between the two and lay policy dimensions in the best interest of the nation without diluting education standards. Public-Private Partnership models in support of higher education extend enough opportunities. It is an opportune time for government and the public sector to tap into private funds through various partnerships. Education is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing poverty and inequality. Education is equally key to enhance India's competitiveness in the global economy. Therefore, ensuring access to quality education for all, in particular for the poor and rural population, is central to the economic and social development of India. This paper attempts to an Public-Private Partnership Critical for Higher Education in india. Top |