Economic benefits ofsethusamudram project for Tamilnadu Rubi A. Gnana*, Lecturer *Department of Management, Nehru Institute of Management Studies, Coimbatore Online published on 3 January, 2012. Abstract A nation's infrastructure development plays a significant role in its economic growth. A fast growing economy warrants an even faster development of infrastructure. Infrastructural development in a country helps to run the operations of any company efficiently and effectively. In this background the paper throw lights on Sethusamudram Ship Channel Project which is helpful for the least cost benefits trade between India, Srilanka and other foreign countries also. To be concluding, a sea route may be prepared for navigation without damaging Sri Ram Sethu, by removing the barren sand heaps near village Mandapam between Rameshwaram and Dhanushkoti railway. This will not only give a shorter route for navigation but also protect the oldest man-made heritage Top Keywords Sethusamudram, Ports, Canal. Top | |
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