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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 4
First page : ( 286) Last page : ( 300)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Attainment of peace through value and peace education in this era of liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG)

Dr. Mishra Vikrant*Assistant Professor

*Shivalik College of Education, Aliyaspur, Ambala.

Online published on 3 January, 2012.


In India from time immemorial, people belonging to various religious faiths lived in harmony and peace. There were fundamental values and traditions in our culture that promoted integration among different communities. But in contemporary India, communalism has been promoted as per political interests which is harmful for national integration. This communalism has also developed feelings of hatred among students belonging to different communities. The people are so much busy in earning money that they are not able to give proper attention for inculcation of values in their children. Values aim at perfections, self-realization, satisfaction, perfection, development, integrity and cohesion etc. The greater consideration and importance of values, the better is social group. Communalism is an ideology which envisages the religious community as a political group committed to the protection and promotion of its social and economic interests and cultural values. In contemporary India, communalism designates not only the conflicts between extremist religious communities, but also those between people of the same religion but from different regions and states. It is the responsibility of the teacher to inculcate values in the students. Only the inculcation of values in the students can help a lot in bringing communal harmony and national integration. Peace education is the process of acquiring the values, the knowledge and developing the attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment. As far as the requirement of peace education is concerned, there is need for spread of peace education for the students so that they can become efficient members of society. Although liberalization, privatization and globalization(LPG) have their own benefits for progress in this modern society, but they have led to rising of many social evils also. People of all countries have lost the peace of minds as well as harmony in their respective societies due to LPG. Attitudes and thinking of all people have become materialistic and all of them are running behind money in this materialistic world. People are not giving proper attention to the menace of growth of social evils which may be very harmful and destructive for the coming generations. Teacher can plant the seeds of harmony and integration among students’ minds. The government and society at large have equal responsibility to provide the teacher with suitable grounds and thereby bringing about a matured and responsible population for the coming generation to lead a better life. There is no other resource that matches the human being, because mankind is the foundation or the corner stone of any development and civilization. Out of the human intellect, a nation is built. In this paper, a systematic attempt has been made to illustrate the meaning of values and value education, their need, principles about the determination of values, classification of values, different values enshrined in the Indian Constitution, peace education, process of liberalization, privatization, globalization and role of the peace education for inculcating values among students for developing the spirit of communal harmony. Value and Peace Education are significant for combating social evils produced by liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG). Thus Peace can be attained through value and peace education for achieving the objective of National Integration.



value education, teacher, communal harmony, students, peace education.


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