Employee commitment: The need of the hour Lawande Naval*, Ph.D Scholar, Bhosale Shubhangi**, Research Associate *Pune University. **Pune University. Online published on 3 January, 2012. Abstract Tradition can be an anchor for a business that should be sailing smoothly. And old navigational charts are no longer accurate in the rough economic waters of the 90’s. Like many CEO's and senior managers, you may view your disappointing financial results as sharks in the water — a number of actions on your part may improve results and chase sharks away, but how confident are you that the sharks are gone for good? One reason your confidence is low maybe because you recognize a lack of organizational commitment to your vision for the company. Vision needs to be shared with all employees so that each person can assess it in conjunction with his or her own vision. Naturally, before employees can assess a corporate vision they must understand it… and there lies the challenge. The key to understanding begins with a sound theoretical model and a process for organizational improvement. This common sense framework can be used to increase performance levels by communicating your plans in an easy to under-stand format. Finding a metaphor that employees relate to helps everyone better understand your vision, where they fit, and how their efforts will contribute to the success of the organization. Top | |
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