“Green marketing an analytic perspective with regards to it's adoption a in few organizations in Delhi NCR region” Singh Shyamveer*, Research Scholar, Dr. Khanna Parul**, Associate Professor and Dean R&D *Singhania University. **Institute of Management & Technology, Faridabad. Online published on 3 January, 2012. Abstract Green marketing is still in its infancy and a lot of research is to be done on this with a view to explore its potential fully. The economic aspect of green marketing should not be neglected because ecological issues are the focal point of green-marketing decision-making. There should be transformation of all the marketing activities from chemical oriented to natural oriented. Marketing approaches should not only be towards customer oriented, but the focus should be customer plus environmental oriented for sustainable growth and development of future generation. Marketer needs to understand the significance of eco-marketing and have to be very sensitively towards environmental and ethical aspects as well, or they may have to pay a premium price in near future. This research article brings forth the details with regard to the various factors which influence the surveyed companies to adopt and implement the Green Marketing, the role played by the Government in this regard and the hindrances to the adoption of the same. Top Keywords Marketing, Green Marketing, Consumers, Organisation Success, Environment. Top | |
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