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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 4
First page : ( 73) Last page : ( 81)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Development of infrastructure for integrated development: A policy perspective for future of rural India

Dr. Satyam Sunkari*Programme Officer

*Documentation and Analysis, Centre for People's Forestry, Secunderabad – 500017, A.P, India.

Online published on 3 January, 2012.


In the context of holistic approach for rural development, developing infrastructure has also gained momentum in recent years as a basic physical and organizational structures needed for the proper and adequate function of societal enterprises. The Government of India soon after the independence launched the Community Development Programme to rejuvenate economic and social life in rural areas. The emphasis was laid down on infrastructure development in rural areas. The programme was not brought institutional changes and its impact on poverty alleviation was not fully evident in any parts of the country. Rural infrastructure in India in terms of its roads, electricity supplies, telecom facilities, irrigation systems, water supply and sanitation, market yards, schools and health centre is not adequate. The services completely provided by governments at the centre and the states, have severe budgetary constraints. In this backdrop, it has been in regular policy discourses that the process of developing rural infrastructure in line with urban is essential and it is key to economic growth and prosperity. In this context, the present paper highlights necessary developmental issues for future of rural India while focusing sector wise issues like employment, rural resource centre, agriculture and productivity, non-farm sector, ensuring rural eco system, water supply and sanitation, roads and transport, energy and telecommunications.


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