Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Deepak Tandon, Finance and Accounting, International Management Institute, INDIA
Dr. Mahmoud Asadi | Media Management,University of Tehran, IRAN. |
Dr. T. Jesudas., M.E., Ph.D | Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India |
Dr. V. Antony Joe Raja | Correspondent & Secretary S. Preethi Group of College Chennai, INDIA |
Dr. Manjinder Gulyani | Law Department Kurukshetra University, Kuruk Shetra, INDIA. |
Dr. Jayanthiladevla | Assoc Professor, Department of MCA ,Jain University, Bangalore |
Dr. Nilanjan Ray | Faculty Member at Netaji Mahavidyalaya, The University of Burdwan, Visiting Professor at Budge Budge Institute of Technology, West Bengal University of Technology, INDIA. |
Dr. Anukrati Sharma | Vice-Principal & Associate Professor Biff & Bright College of Technical Education, University of Rajasthan, INDIA. |
Dr. N. Geetha | Sr. Scientist (Ento) Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-641007, INDIA. |
Dr. A. R. Krishnan | Associate Professor in Management Studies SRM College of Arts and Science, Kattankulathur, INDIA. |
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