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Editorial Board

Prof. (Dr) K.L Gupta

Director School of Management IIMT Aligarh U.P (INDIA) Ex-dean Faculty of Commerce Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Agra U.P (INDIA)


Dr. Mandeep Singh

Associate Professor P.G. Department of Economics Guru Nank Khalsa College Yamuna Nagar Haryana (INDIA)


Dr. R.K. Uppal

Associate Professor D A V College Malout Punjab (INDIA)


Dr. Manjinder Gulyani

Institute of Law, Kurukshetra University, Kuruk Shetra


Dr. Kamal Sharma

Associate Professor A.S.College Khanna (Punjab)


(Prof.) Dr. Dhiresh Kumar Kulshrestha

Associate & Head-Department of Management, Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior-(M.P)


Dr. Ramesh Chandra Das

Department of Economics Katwa College, Katwa, Burdwan, West Bengal


Dr. Atul Bansal

Principal, C.Z.Patel College of Business and Management Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat


Dr. Darakhshan Anjum

BGSB University, Jammu and Kashmir.


Dr. Vasanthakumari P.

Associate Professor, PG Dept. of Commerce and Management Studies, N.S.S. College, Ottapalam, Palappuram P.O., Palakkad Dt., Kerala


Dr. Shahid Alam

Department of Commerce AMU, Aligarh


Dr. Anukrati Sharma

Vice-Principal & Associate Professor Biff & Bright College of Technical Education, Jaipur (Raj.) (Affiliated to University of Rajasthan)


Dr. Ashraf Imam

Department of Commerce Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-INDIA

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