Chronomodulated Drug Delivery System of Salmeterol Fluticasone Nlcs Loaded Tablets: Preparation, Characterization, Stability and Drug Release Studies for Management of Asthma Waseem Mohammed A1,*, Kurian Ajin P1,*, Dhanapal Y2,* 1Department of Pharmaceutics, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Paramedical Science, Coimbatore - 04. 2Department of Pharmaceutical AnalysisPSG College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore - 04. *Corresponding Author E-mail:,
Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop salmeterol, fluticasone nano-lipid carriers to estimate as potentials of oral delivery system for poorly water soluble drugs. Nano-lipid carriers applied to chronomodulated pulsatile drug delivery system maintain the concentration level by releasing the drug at predetermined time interval throughout the management of asthma. Method: The particle size analysis revealed that all the formulations were within the nanometer range of 150.0±2.4nm. Percentage of entrapment efficiency and drug loading were found to be 69.5±4.4 - 85.3±1.3 and 9.358±2.2-10.45±8.1, respectively. The SLM-FCN nano-lipid carrier’s optimized formulation showed spherical morphology with smooth surface under the transmission electron microscope (TEM), the crystalline characterization of drug in NLC was investigated by X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetric (DSC). The ex-vivo permeation study showed many folds increment in the SLM-FCN NLCs compared to powder SLM-FCN 96.0±2.55 and pulsing plugs in-vivo drug released effectively in pre-determine time intervals. Conclusion: The progression concludes that chronomodulated programming pulsatile release was achieved with modified pulsing bilayerd plugged of salmeterol, fluticasone propionate NLCs, formulation remarkably improved oral bioavailability. we promise that finding in this investigations suggest practicability of the dosage form system can be taken after at bedtime then it will be delivered in the early morning which maintains the drug concentration throughout to control asthma. Top Keywords Chronomodulated, Liposome’s, Salmeterol, Fluticasone Propionate, Pulsing Erodible layer. Top |