Influence of Price towards Customer Satisfaction of BSNL Fixed Broadband Service (DSL) Rajeswari S.*, Dr. Srinivasulu Yarlagadda**, Dr. Thiyagarajan S.*** *Research Scholar, Department of International Business, Pondicherry University **Associate Professor, Department of International Business, Pondicherry UIniversity ***Assistant Professor, Department of International Business, Pondicherry University Online published on 16 December, 2014. Abstract Telecommunication which plays a vital role in contributing towards the socio-economic development of the country has attained a great transition from the status of quo to one of the basic needs for human survival in past three decades. During this transition period though there were varieties of changes in terms of product, quality, technology etc,. i.e from the period of wire line technology to the current satellite broadband technology. Price acts as one of the ultimate verdict decision factors by the end-user in availing any of the telecommunication services. As it is the responsibility of the firms to set their price strategies for promotion of new service or already existing service in the competitive market. It is considered of utmost importance for the broadband which is multi- operator service that has created a tough competitive environment for service providers across the globe. Moreover it is a must situation for the wire line incumbent operators to boost their revenue from the declining wire line sector and also to retain their existing customers by offering attractive pricing strategies in addition to service quality. Thus the study tries to determine the price for fixed broadband services across the globe. The relation of price and the GNI per capita of the country, it further tries to study the pricing strategies by BSNL for fixed broadband service and to analyze the influence of price towards customer satisfaction of BSNL DSL service. In order to determine the relation between price and customer satisfaction curvilinear regression model was used for the study from the sample of 380 BSNL DSL customers. Top Keywords Telecommunication, Broadband, Competitive, Strategy. Top |