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Asian Journal of Research in Marketing
Year : 2014, Volume : 3, Issue : 6
First page : ( 192) Last page : ( 200)
Online ISSN : 2277-6621.

Market Segmentation of Sport Tourism in Iran for Foreign Tourists Regarding Culture and Modeling of Target Market

Gilani Seyed Reza Mousavia, Kazemi Mehdib, Asadi Hasanc, Samadzadeh Gholam Rezad, Atashpanjeh Ali Rezae

aAssistant Professor, Physical Education Department, ZAUMS University, Zahedan, Iran

bAssociate Professor, Management Department, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

cProfessor, Physical Education Department and Editor in chief of Journal of Sport Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

dFaculty Member, Library and Information Technology Department, ZAUMS University, Zahedan, Iran

eFaculty Member, English Department, ZAUMS University, Zahedan, Iran

Online published on 16 December, 2014.


The Purpose of this study was market segmenting of sport tourism in Iran for foreign tourists according to culture and modeling of target market. To do so, a questionnaire was distributed among 710 participants from 53 countries attending in Fajr International Sport Events in 2010–11. The results showed that Anglo, Latin European and East European, Arab, South Asian and Confucius (Asian) and Central Asian Cultures had the most interest in the sport events (97%). Also, four factors including attractions related to mountain and snow, water sports, sport events, and desert were selected as models of sport tourism target market in Iran. The results of exploratory analysis revealed that these four factors determined and predicted 62% of Iran sport tourism target market.



Market Segmentation, Sport Tourism, Culture, Target Market.


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