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Asian Journal of Research in Marketing
Year : 2014, Volume : 3, Issue : 6
First page : ( 130) Last page : ( 141)
Online ISSN : 2277-6621.

Formulating the strategy of Cement Sistan Company in sale and export Area

Darini Mahboube Rashidia, Rowshan Seyed Aligholib, Salarzehi Habibollahc, Tajik Mahmoud Rezad

aMA of Admintirative Management, Sistan Baluchestan University

bAssistant Professor and Faculty Member, Economy and Management School of Sistan and Baluchestan

cAssociate Professor and Faculty Member, Economy and Management School of Sistan and Baluchestan

dBusiness Deputy of Cement Sistan Company

Online published on 16 December, 2014.


The present study aimed to analyze and formulate strategy of Cement Sistan based on SWOT analysis. The study method is descriptive-analytic and applied in terms of aim. The study population is beneficiaries of sale and Export area including sale experts and managers, local and internal customers. The data collection instrument is interview and questionnaire. There is content validity and its reliability is estimated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Regarding statistical techniques, Friedman test and single-sample T test is used. The results showed that the most important strengths of Cement Sistan are the quality of products and using new technology. The most important weaknesses are costly products transportation in competitive market and the lack of adequate advertisement in local and internal sale. The most important opportunities are Afghanistan market and Sistan Market; and the most important threats are boundary limitations and the problems of points in export. The most important strategies are including the diversity of homogenous products, development of Nimrooz Factory of Afghanistan, increasing export to GCC and east African countries, purposeful advertisement in local and internal sale and penetration in new markets and making target market specialized.



Internal and external factors evaluation matrix, SWOT analysis, Sale and export, Sistan Cement.


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