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Asian Journal of Research in Marketing
Year : 2014, Volume : 3, Issue : 6
First page : ( 116) Last page : ( 129)
Online ISSN : 2277-6621.

Total quality management and new production development: An empirical study of Iranian Firms

Rahmani Kamaleddina, Emamisaleh Koroshb

aDepartment of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

bDepartment of Management, East Azarbaijan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

Online published on 16 December, 2014.


The past decade has witnessed a remarkable spread in the use of total quality management (TQM) practices in both manufacturing and non-manufacturing firms. Intense competition in the marketplace has caused manufacturing firms to search for a competitive edge in their manufacturing operations and processes. It has been argued that the use of TQM practices has a synergistic impact on organizational performance. This study examines the interactive effects of total quality management (TQM) practices, and intensity of new production development. The responses to a questionnaire survey of 200 top and middle managers, drawn from 10 Iranian companies, were analyzed using a structural equation technique. The results show that the TQM practices such as leadership, employee management, Process management and Customer focus are related to new production development.



Total quality management, new production development, Customer.


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