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Asian Journal of Research in Marketing
Year 2014, Volume-3, Issue-5 (October)
Online ISSN : 2277-6621

Table of contents

A Diagnosis Study of Iranian Handicrafts Export Promotion Strategy
Abolghasem Ebrahimi, Mehdi Kiaei

Analysis of the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty (case study: MCI's Customers)
Hamed Dehghanan, Saeideh Padvaz

A Survey Electronic Advertisement on Consumer Behavior Based on CAB Model (A Study on Mahan Institution)
Amin Reza Kamalian, Abas Reyhani Yami, Mohamad Ali Davoodi Sani

The Effect of Country Image of Turkey on Image of Turkish Airline Services and Purchase Intention (Case study: Tabriz city)
Bahram Ranjbarian, Saeed Fathi, Hamed Abbaszadeh Avilagh

Examining the impact of perceived value on user satisfaction and commitment to brand with the role of lifestyle and life satisfaction as moderators in Facebook
Kamran Zahedfar, Sahar Nasseri, Sayed Hesam Kashani

Identifying Students’ Needs and Expectations from the Banking System by Integrating Kano's Model and Fuzzy QFD (A Case Study: Keshavarzi Bank of Iran)
Ali Mohammadi, Moslem Alimohammad Lo, Hajar Shafiee

What Are Effective Factors that Drive Customers to Spread Electronic Word of Mouth in Online Spaces? (A Survey in Electronic Appliances Market of Iran)
Ali Mansouri Kermanshahi, Hamidreza Asgari Dehabadi

A Model to Enhance Marketing capabilities via organizational intangible capital
Mohamad Hasan Hemati, Milad Homayooni Zade, Kiarash Fartash

Explaining the effect of store image on purchase intention of consumer through intermediation of perceived risk, perceived quality and perceived value
Hamed Agheshlouei, Habib Farajpoor, Somayeh Zangian

The Effect of Customer-Based Brand Equity on Brand Attitude-A Case Study of Mellat Bank of Iran
Majid Nasiri Touli, Armin Khaleghi Forghani

Identifying and rating of marketing mix components for raisin export
Mostafa Ghazizadeh, Saeid Khodamoradi, Yahya Badrhesari

Evaluating the Influence of System Quality, Information and Services on Perceived Shopping Value
Hossien Vazifeh Dust, Saeed Jalalian, Amin Mojoodi

Investigating brand equity formation for employees: evidence from Iran's banking industry
Mansoor Balaghi

An investigate of relationship between Role relaxed consumption and social factors
Hossein Vazifehdoost, Ali Afshari, Hooshang Goodarzi

Exploring the impact of service characteristics on job satisfaction and customer satisfaction in the banking industry
Ali Omidi, Mohammad Haghighi

Investigate the Relationship between Centralization and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Deviant Work Behavior
Mohammadreza Fallah, Mohammad Hosein Rajnbar, Mehdi Heidarzadeh, Mina Tabashi, Mojtaba Pourebrahim

Social Networking Sites (SNS): A New Tool of Advertisement
Bhuvan Lamba

Chinese Consumer Behavior of the Service Oriented New Luxury Based on Purchase Motivation
Gao Can, Yang Yongsheng, Zhou Meichen, Liu Liyang


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