Examining the impact of perceived value on user satisfaction and commitment to brand with the role of lifestyle and life satisfaction as moderators in Facebook Zahedfar Kamran, Nasseri Sahar, Kashani Sayed Hesam Master Student of Business Management, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran Online published on 9 October, 2014. Abstract Due to the popularity of Facebook among different users over the world, and their commitment to use Facebook, this study was conducted to examine the impact of perceived value of users on satisfaction and commitment to Facebook, and life satisfaction and lifestyle are considered as moderator variables. The number of 406 questionnaires were collected from Iranian Facebook users and in order to analyze the data, the PLS software is used. Analysis of the findings suggests that perceived value of user has an influence on his satisfaction with Facebook, and lifestyle Congruence and life satisfaction of users are not effective. It should also be stated that the Facebook user satisfaction causes commitment. Top Keywords Perceived value, satisfaction, commitment, lifestyle Congruence, life satisfaction. Top | |
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