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Asian Journal of Research in Marketing
Year : 2014, Volume : 3, Issue : 5
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 19)
Online ISSN : 2277-6621.

A Diagnosis Study of Iranian Handicrafts Export Promotion Strategy

Ebrahimi Abolghasema, Kiaei Mehdib

aAssistant Professor, Management Department Shiraz University, Iran

bMaster Student of Public Management, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran

Online published on 9 October, 2014.


Iranian traditional arts incorporate a group of handicrafts such as architecture and related skills, traditional regional/local music, calligraphy and ornamentation, and traditional ritual dramatic arts (e.g. religious mourning ceremonies). Certainly, handicrafts are the most distinctive traditional arts in Iran and, enhanced by industrial development over time, they have taken the shape of an “industrial art”, presently having an especial prominence in traditional art. The present study is a correlational research in which the relationship between export of handicrafts by incorporations and cooperatives and three factors is investigated. These factors are protection and encouraging policies, consideration of marketing knowledge, and awareness of foreign markets. To collect data (opinions and views of statistical population), the researchers used questionnaires, recovering 149 questionnaires out of the total of 170 ones. Based on research hypotheses: there is a positive and significant relationship between awareness of foreign markets and rate of handicrafts export, between government's adoption of protection and encouraging policies and rate of handicrafts export, and between applying marketing mix tools to handicrafts export. The sample under study including professors, experts, managers, and handicraft exporters generally pointed out the above-mentioned factors as obstacles to Iranian handicraft export.



Handicraft, Export, Protection Policies, Marketing, Foreign Markets.


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