Purification and Characterization of GroES and GroEL from Genetically Modified Strain E. coli U1/Pus01/Puss1δCat Verma Alok Kumar*, Pal GP Deptarment of Molecular Biology, IMS BHU, Varanasi-221005 *Corresponding Author E-mail: alok_bhu2004@rediffmail.com
Online published on 13 March, 2013. Abstract In Present study our aim is to purify and characterize GroES and GroEL from genetically modified strain E.coli U1/pUS01/pUSS1δCAT L.GroES was eluted at 0.2M NaCl and GroEL was at 0.3M NaCl. From1.4 litres culture 7.5mg GroEL and 50mg GroES was purified. Top Keywords Cheperonin, GroEL, GroES, IPTG, Q-Sepharose FF, Sephacryl S-200 HR. Top | |
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