Factors affecting Financial Performances-A Study based on Companies of Different Industries in India Dr. Shah Avani Suryakant Assistant Professor, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India. avanipshah2012@gmail.co Online published on 17 July, 2017. Abstract Financial performance is important for maximizing shareholders’ wealth. The study is made on factors affecting financial performances of companies across different industries in India. For analysis purpose, sample of 102 companies from five different industries in India have been considered for the period of 2012 to 2016. Return on Asset (ROA) has been considered as a measure of financial performance, whereas four financial ratios like Profit after Tax in percentage for Growth, Quick Ratio for Liquidity, Debt/Equity Ratio for Leverage and Dividend Pay-out Ratio are considered as independent ratios. Panel data has been used and Ordinary least square has been used for analysis purpose. Results of the study suggest that dividend pay-out ratio is significantly affected to Cement Industry only. Whereas Growth, liquidity and Leverage has significant impact on Power Generation Industry, Pharma and Drug Industry and Chemical Industry. Liquidity has no significant impact on Cement Industry and Agriculture Industry where as Growth has no significant impact on Cement Industry only. Top Keywords Dividend Pay-out, Financial Performance, Listed Firms, Leverage, Liquidity. Top | |
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