A Comparative Study on different Parameters of Repayment Position of Education Loan of selected Banks Patel Aarti1, Dr. Bhandari Kamlesh2 1Assistant Professor, St. Paul Institute of Professional Studies, Indore, India 2Professor, P.M.B. Gujarati Commerce College, Indore, India Online published on 17 July, 2017. Abstract Education is the process of instruction aimed at the all round development of individuals, providing with necessary tools to participate in day to day activities of the world. It dispels ignorance and boosts moral values in the individuals. It forms the basis for lifelong learning and inspires confidence to face challenges; besides providing skills to become more self reliant and increases awareness. Education not only impacts the human development and economic growth, but is the fundamental requirement of democracy. Through education, people become more responsible and informed citizens, and can voice their concerns and issues in political system of their society. It is an essential element for democracy and eradicating poverty. It also helps people in improving productivity, thus playing greater roles in economic life and earning a better livelihood for themselves and the society. In this study, disbursement and repayment for the last six years was measured to find out the gap between these two variables. The data was based on the secondary sources. Top | |
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