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Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 5
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 10)
Online ISSN : 2249-7323.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7323.2015.00061.9

Evaluation of the Relationship between Psychological Capital and Organizational Silence (Case Study: Employees of the Branches of Saderat Bank in the City of Sanandaj)

Abdi Shoresh, Hosseini Reza Shah

Department of Management, College of Sanandaj, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, xcii , Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between psychological capital and organizational silence; Case Study: the employers of all branches of Bank Saderat in the city of Sanandaj. Psychological capital, including dimensions such as resilience, hope, optimism and self-efficacy, and organizational silence, including dimensions such as obedient silence, friendly silence and defensive silence, were selected as independent and dependent variables, respectively. In order to measure the dimensions of the independent variable of the psychological capital, a standard questionnaire (designed by Hijazi in 2011) including 24 indicators was used. To measure the dependent variable, standard questionnaires designed by Jafari, with 14 indicators were used. In terms of methodology, this paper is a descriptive correlational study and random sampling was used to select the respondents. The population of the study was the employers of all branches of Bank Saderat in the city of Sanandaj. 100 people were randomly selected. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to assess the normality of the data. Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used to investigate the correlations among the variables. The obtained results show a significant correlation between psychological capital and organizational silence. The independent variable (dimensions of psychological capital) is smaller than 0.05, so they are effective in the organizational silence. The flexibility index (−0.895) had the highest impact on organizational silence and placed in the first rank. Optimism index (−0.216) was second and website design by a correlation factor of (−0.138) in the third and finally the flexibility index (−0.058) had the lowest impact on organizational silence and was ranked in the last place.



Organizational Silence, psychological capital, hope, optimism, and self-efficacy.


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