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Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance
Year 2015, Volume-5, Issue-4 (April)
Online ISSN : 2249-7323

Table of contents

Causal Factors of Failure of Finance Companies in Sri Lanka during 2008–2009
S G Sisira Dharmasri Jayasekara

Non Performing Assets in Public Sector Banks – A Comparative study between SBI Group & Nationalised Banks Group
Dr. L.K. Tripathi, Arpan Parashar, Dr. Rajendra Singh, Dr. Shailendra Mishra

An Evaluation of Indian E-Banking Industry (A Case Study of State Bank of India: Lucknow Circle, Uttar Pradesh)
Dr. Bimal Jaiswal, Dr. Manjari Awasthi, Ms. Saloni Bhasin

Rise and decline of stock prices and returns in Tehran Stock Exchange (Evidence from small companies and groups)
Rahmatollah Mohammadipour, Hani Ahmadsimab, Mohammad Reza Faridfar

Inflation, Operating Cycle, and Cash Flow: Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange
Abolfazl Ghadiri Moghaddam, Abolfazl Kameli, Mohammad Rohani, Nasim Zahiri, Asiyeh Besharatpour, Farzane Saeidi

The evaluation of the relation between operating leverage with systematic risk and the return in Tehran Stock Exchange
Behnam Behzadfar, Esmaeil Goudarzi

Performing Audit after Clearance in the Customs
Shekofe Mirtaleb, Morteza Sameti

Identification and prioritization of factors affecting on formation of the electronic Stock Exchange market using interpretive structural Modelling and analytical network process of case study: Regional Stock Exchange of Fars Province
Jamshid Galle Dari, Fatemeh Nazari, Saghar Fahandezh


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