A Study on Selection of B-School from Student's View Point Dr. Rani T. Suchitra Assistant Professor, Amity Global Business School, Hyderabad, India Online published on 9 November, 2015. Abstract India, with a vast population crossing over billion, one of the service sectors that is becoming more and more important due to the increase in the population is the higher education. Gone were the days when one used to complete basic graduation and could find himself a comfortable job. Today with the global competition, finding employment is also becoming difficult. The students are trying to get into professional courses like MBA or MCA where one will surely have an edge over the other students in finding salebility in the job market. The need of the hour is to understand the students’ preference in selecting a professional course. This study is an attempt to understand the factors important to the student in selecting a professional management B School. The dimensions used for gap analysis were seven and for preference of the students three more factors were. It was found from Gap Analysis that the biggest gap is for placements among the seven dimensions. Interestingly, when the students were asked to give their ranking preferences for the ten dimensions, it was found that majority of them gave importance to placements. So, paradoxically the results are clear that what the students prefer as the most important dimension in opting for a B School also happens to be the dimension with the largest gap in B School. Further, factor analysis is also used to find the most important of all these dimensions. Top | |
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