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Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 1
First page : ( 208) Last page : ( 216)
Online ISSN : 2249-7323.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7323.2015.00018.8

Perception of Internet Banking Adoption: A Study on Urban Conglomerates of Udupi District, Karnataka

Pandey Priyanka*, Dr. Mayya Sureshramana**, Dr. Joshi H. G.***

*Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India

**Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, M.G.M. College, Udupi, Karnataka, India

***Professor, Department of Commerce, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India

Online published on 7 January, 2015.


Banks moving towards new technology and up-to-date banking industry. Internet banking significantly make our banking and financial activities easy. Internet banking facilitates many benefits, products and services but still number of customers continue to conduct most of their banking and financial activities using traditional methods. Banks are trying to acquire expected number of customer and to retain them but somewhere it not works. For success of new banking technology, adoption plays a vital role. It is important to know perception about internet banking adoption among customers.

This paper investigate customers’ perception about internet banking adoption in Udupi district. Data was collected through questionnairefrom bankcustomers’ in Udupi district. The questionnaire was formed in the dimension which measures perception about adoption of internet banking among urban conglomerate of Udupi district.

Results of this study shows that most of the respondents were concerned about safety and perceive that internet banking is not very much trustworthy. However they feel that it is easy, convenient, time saving and profitable. This study will be useful to find out perceptual factors about internet banking adoption and mayhelp banks to improve their strategies to acquire more customers.



Internet Banking, Technology, Adoption, Customers, Perception.


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