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Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance
Year 2014, Volume-4, Issue-2 (February)
Online ISSN : 2249-7323

Table of contents

The Relationship between Earning Quality Characteristics and Economic Criteria for Evaluating Performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE)
Mina Sedaghati Mokhtari, Zohreh Hajiha

The Influence of Institutional Investors on the Incorporation of Market and Firm-Specific Information into Stock Prices and Crash Risk
Daryoush Foroghi, Gholamhossein Kiani, Arezoo Haghighat

Reducing the Bank's Risk with Neural Network and K-Mean Algorithm
Mohammad Ali Beheshti-Nia, Mehdi Alami, Kiarash Fartash

Effect of Financial Liberating on Economic Growth and Development
Reza Tehrani, Seyyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini, Maryam Deihimi

Investigating the Relationship between Audit Opinion and Earning Management in the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange
Abolfazl Ghadiri Moghaddam, Saeed Pakdelan, Seyede Naeimeh Zeinabi, Elham Valiei, Samira Rahiminezhad

A Study of the Relation between the Growth of Assets with the Stocks Efficiency of the Listed Companies in Tehran's Stock Exchange
Hojatollah Qanavatian, Mohammad Reza Kheirandish, Eimor Teimori

Investigate the Relationship between Stock Returns and Operating Cash Flow and Accounting Net Income in Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohammad Reza Kheirandish, Farhad Qeisari

An Investigation on the Relationship between Liquidity and Corporate Governance in Accepted Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohsen Mohammad Noorbakhsh Langeroudi, Leila Roueein

Assessment and measurement the Employees’ financial literacy In Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch
Hossein Rostami, Mahmood Moein-Aldin, Qodrat-Allah Talebniya

The Relationship between P/E and P/B Evaluation Ratios and Cost of Capital of the Companies
Mahdi Moradi, Akram Nezhadali, Maryam Pahlavan

Studying the Existence of Optimal Cash Holding level and Estimating its Adjustment Speed (Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange)
Abdullah Khani, Gholam Hossein Kiani, Amin Yosefi

The Impact of Chaos Theory on Tehran Stock Exchange Index
Sanjar Salajeghe, Farhad Qeisari, Ali Abbasi

Asset-Liability Management in the Indian Commercial Banks
Dr. Narayan Baser

Financial Services, Group Savings & Credit System, Small Savings. Marup – An Informal Group Savings in Manipur
W. Seityavama Chanu, Dr. A. Rajmani Singha, Ksh. Ranjan Singh

Risk Management and Efficiency of Commercial Banks- A Review of Literature
Kavita Gupta, Saroj Joshi

A Comparison of Financial Performance of Saudi Banks (2007–2011)
Dr. Mohammad Abdelkarim Almumani

A Detail Study On Banking Industry
Prof. Bhuvan Lamba, Prof Vajinder Pal Singh

A Survey of Relationship between Cash Flow Sensitivity and Stronger Outside Monitoring of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mohammad Nazaripour, Nastaran Farmani, Parastoo Sedaghat


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