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Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 92) Last page : ( 103)
Online ISSN : 2249-7323.

Effective Factors of Customer's Satisfaction and their Faithfulness in Mellat Bank by Using European Measurement Modeling

Mardani Mohsen*, Farahani Nooshin Mazidabadi**, Mardani Majid***

*M.A of Industrial Management, Young Researchers and Elite Club, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran

**MA of Business Administration (International Business Trends), Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran, Iran

***M.A. Industrial Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran

Online published on 6 January, 2014.


Customer's faithfulness has been known as an important and outstanding variable in successful organizational business. In this direction, one of the issues that is significantly important for bank managers is identifying factors related to the faithfulness and mutual understanding between these variables. Banking industry as one of the important international services industry has got the fact and the managers have always been trying to keep and expand the relationship with their customers and keep faith with them. So this paper was done with the aim of considering the rate of effective factors of customers Satisfaction on their faithfulness in Mellat banks of Semnan province of Iran by using European measurement modeling. Wise to the aim, questions, hypothesis and statistically, customer's Satisfaction modeling from the "European Union" point of view that is based on three key variable i.e. "understood value, customer's Satisfaction and customer's faithfulness", have been selected for the effect of spread and progress of customer's Satisfaction on customer's faithfulness in Mellat bank of Semnan province. The number of Mellat bank branches throughout the Semnan province is 32 by 2010 that in all branches the honorable customers could answer the question for collecting information. Indeed collecting information from the bank's customers was designed as questions in form of questionnaire. The questionnaire evaluated the rate of customer's Satisfaction on their faithfulness as Likert seal in 10 parts: 1= the worst situation and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 = the best situation. The results out of this research that was done by using "structural equations modeling and SAS software" on research hypothesis, showed that the rate of customer's Satisfaction on customer's faithfulness in Mellat banks of Semnan province is high and acceptable.



Customer's loyalty, customer Satisfaction, Mellat bank, European measurement model.


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