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Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance
Year 2013, Volume-3, Issue-12 (December)
Online ISSN : 2249-7323

Table of contents

Performance Analysis of Indian Investment Strategies: A Study based on Value and Growth Styles
Ms. Rubeena Bajwa

Fraud and Job Satisfaction amongst Nigerian Bank Managers
Dr. Azubike Okoro, Dr. Bruce Lazar

Critical Evaluation of Fundamental Theoretical Concept of Islamic Insurance “Takaful”
Lukman Ayinde Olorogun

An Evaluation of Diffusion of Agency Theory in Islamic Insurance Definition and Wakalah Model Operation
Lukman Ayinde Olorogun

Factor Influencing Adoption of Online Banking among Customers: An Empirical Study Special Reference to Gujarat State
Prof. (Dr.) B. A. Prajapati, Maulik C. Prajapati, Vipul B. Patel

An Empirical Investigation on Perception of Post-Graduate Students towards Islamic Finance in Islamic Republic Of Pakistan
Imran Umer Chhapra, Shumaila Bhutto

Trends and Progress of Rural Housing in India (A Study through Rural Housing Schemes Monitoring by NHB)
Dr. P. S. Ravindra, Ch. Trinadha Rao

Carbon Finance: Scope for the Sustainable Development of India
Dr. Ashwin Modi, Mr. Nimesh P. Bhojak

Effect of Cash and Accrual Components of Earnings on the Future Profitability
Mahmoud Mousavi Shiri

A Study of Maintaining Human Resources System and Employees Respond to Customers: A Case of Tejarat Bank in Kerman, Iran
Malikeh Beheshtifar, Hasan Asadi

Investigating the Effects of Privatization on Profitability
Mahdi Vakilian Aghouei

A Study of the Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Shareholders’ Value
Payam Mojtahedi, Mehrnaz Boka

Effect of Conditional and Unconditional Conservatism on Earnings Quality of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange
Mahdi Ghazagh, Azam Soleymani

Relevance of Sovereign Credit Risk Rating on Foreign Direct Investment
Dr. M. Sumathy, Preema Rose Nichlavose

The Impact of Information Technology (IT) on Banking Operations in India
Namrata Verma

CIPC-EC Technology Turn around-A Brief Review
Lakshmi Mishra


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