Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-7 (July) Online ISSN : 2249-7323
Table of contents
Financial and strategic significance of mergers and acquisitions in the Indian banking sector: A study based on key M&A deals of the last decadeAbhishek Tripathy
Role of internal marketing in job satisfaction of employees in commercial bankVijaya Kameswari Allada, Nittala Rajyalakshmi
Social impact of microfinance on rural women development of ariankuppam blockM. Meganathan, R. Kuzhandaivel, M. Arumugam
Growth and rigional imbalance in self help groups bank linkage programme in IndiaHariom, Yogender Kumar, Ms. Shashi
Indian bond market: Issuence procedure and corporate settlementDr. Suresh Vadde
Role of financial institutions in promoting micro enterprises-an analysisDr. Pawan Kumar Dhiman
Mobile banking –an analysisDr. A. Vinayagamoorthy, C. Sankar, M. Sangeetha