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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year 2018, Volume-8, Issue-6 (June)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307

Table of contents

Price Discovery in the Energy Future Market in India
Dr. Koushik Das

Factors affecting Buying Behavior & CRM in Real Estate Sector: A Literature Survey
Narendra Singh Yadav, Dr. Mukul Gupta, Pushpa Singh

Demographic Factors Influencing Brand Equity in Context of Advergame
Puja Rajesh Vora, Dr. Mitesh Jayswal

A Study on Entrepreneurship and Employment Generation
Roland K Kikon, Dr. Y Temjenzulu Jamir

Focusing on BOP as a Strategy for National Development-A Review of Literature
Dr. K Anagha

Changing Face of India: It's Impact on Multinational Corporation Brand Building
Sandeep Kumar Thakur, Jaspreet Kaur, Anupam Nautiyal

Some Aspects of Organised Manufacturing Sector of Haryana-Trends and Patterns
Dr. Laxmi Narayan, Dr. Sidhanshu

Suitability of IEQMS Model Practice in Business Education-An Empirical Study
Siva Malini, A. Pal Pandi

Perception and Attitude of Healthcare Professionals in the Context of Effective Implementation of Health Management Information System (HMIS) in Indian Health Industry
Renu Garg, Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Dr. Arunesh Garg

Investigating the relationship between information disclosure with stock returns and firm value
Arsalan Paydari, Abdullah Moloudi

The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Job Satisfaction among Mellat Bank Employees in Tehran Province
Elham Koroshnia, Iraj Forozan


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