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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2018, Volume : 8, Issue : 4
First page : ( 52) Last page : ( 59)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7307.2018.00036.1

Career Development Factors Influencing Employee's Career Progression Post Maternity in Health Care Industry

Fathima Salma*, Dr. Karthigai Prakasam C**

*Research Scholar, Christ University, India. salmafathima9@gmail.com

**Associate Professor, Christ University, India. karthigai.prakasam@christuniversity.in

Online published on 11 April, 2018.


Health Care Industry is growing at a very high stride because of its best service and increasing expenditure by both public and private participation. Now a day's people in general are health conscious and this has created perception in providing best service to the customers. In this regard, Nurses and Doctors play a crucial role in health care industry. The increasing length of maternity leave benefits and flexible work arrangements results in extended absence of female employees from the workplace. Women take on the main household tasks of home and child care, while men maintain and develop their careers. As a result, a clear absence of women exists at senior executive position in organizations both in India and internationally. This study helps in analyzing career development factors influencing employee's career progression post maternity, Data was collected from Employees (Doctors and Nurses) who are tenured between 2 to 3 years pre-and post-Maternity leave within the same organization. Primary Data was collected through structured questionnaire, Snowball sampling method was adopted to identify the sample. A total of 138 respondents was taken from Multi Specialty Hospitals located in Bangalore. The statistical tool Regression was used for Data Analysis.



Health Care Industry, Career Development factors, Career Progression, Post Maternity, Nurses & Doctors.


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