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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : ( 58) Last page : ( 66)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7307.2016.00006.2

Developing usable products in the supply chain of Mazandaran spinning industry by Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

Chaghoushi Ahmad Jafar Nezhada, Oraji Siavashb, Abbasi Jafarb

aProfessor, Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Iran

bPhD Student, Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Iran

Online published on 5 January, 2016.


In order to develop usable products, human needs and requirements have to be taken into consideration. By employing the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) method the human needs are systematically matched with the product characteristics, which can help to improve the product quality. In this paper the use of QFD in the area of usable products is discussed and a case study is presented to improve the supply chain of mazandaran spinning industry. The QFD method was used in the case study to translate the needs of usable yarn in spinning the carpet in the moist climate into product characteristics. The QFD analysis of the usable carpet revealed that the characteristics of the yarn were receiving the highest overall quality, which means that improving the design of the best quality yarn Proportional of the moist climate for spinning the carpet would lead to higher customer satisfaction. The importance of developing products that meet the customer or human needs is a priority area in the product development process. With knowledge in Selection of raw materials according to weather conditions it is possible to reveal information of the human needs and requirements. However, in the product development process it also is important to match the climate needs with the product characteristics, which can be achieved by using the QFD method. The knowledge of Selection of raw materials according to weather conditions and the use of the QFD method are therefore useful tools in designing high quality products.



QFD, Quality, supply chain, usable product, Product development.


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