Gender Based Experiences and Perceptions of Locals to The Economic Influences of Mining Dr. Falleiro Savio P. Vice Principal, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Economics, Rosary College of Commerce and Arts, Navelim, Salcete, Goa, India Online published on 6 August, 2015. Abstract Goa (India) has been known for years for its twin industries – mining and tourism. Presently, operations of the mining industry have been suspended due to orders of the Apex Court. Mining has its positive and negative sides encompassing various dimensions, economic, social, cultural, environmental etc. The present paper based on a field study makes a firsthand analysis of the experiences and perceptions of the people living in a locality substantially dependent on mining to select broad economic issues related to mining. The study which makes use of chi-square analysis to know if any significant association exists involving gender of the household heads concludes that experiences and perceptions related to mining are by and large gender independent accept for those related to school dropout rates. Top Keywords Economic impact, gender and mining, mining. Top | |
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