Comparative Advantage of Raisins Production of Iran (Case Malayer County) Dr. Piri Muhammad Head, Department of Economics and Marketing, Research Institute of Grapes and Raisins, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran Online published on 6 August, 2015. Abstract This paper analyzed the comparative advantage of Raisins production of Malayer county of Iran by using the data of production during 2005–2013 periods. Specialized in specific agricultural products and explore the comparative advantages in the market place are the key for economic growth in developing countries, which allows these countries to concentrate resources and increase productivity on specialized products. Iran's overseas trade basing its export on a single product heavily depends on oil revenue, and In recent years, the Dutch disease created by losing the oil revenues has encouraged countries to diversify the comparative advantage in other products and services, and for many countries agricultural products are at the top of productions and exports. The study found that Malayer has indicates the existence of a comparative advantage. Top Keywords Production Comparative Advantage, Raisins, Malayer, Iran. Top | |
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