Cost-Benefit Analysis of Rural Drinking Water Project in Maharashtra: A Case of Solapur District Dr. Honrao Parmeshwar M.1 1Assistant Professor, Sant Damaji College, Mangalwedha, Solapur, India Online published on 6 November, 2015. Abstract This paper empirically Evaluation of Rural Drinking Water Project; the project proponent is interested in quantifying benefits and costs of a project from a broad societal point of view. Time horizon and discount rates for the economic assessment has been selected. Common decision criteria include net present value, expected net present value, benefit-cost ratio, annualized net benefits. Most commonly, project alternatives with a positive net present value are considered economically feasible. Present paper looks at the cost of Element and benefits of a drinking water supply project undertaken in Solapur district in Maharashtra. The study finds that the project was carried out rapidly and has largely met its aim of supplying sufficient, quality and safe water. However, has to be weighed against the better quality as well as operation and maintenance of the other Maharashtra project. Sensitivity analyses conducted as part of the economic analysis. Top Keywords Drinking water, Cost-Benefit analysis, economic viability, water supply project. Cost benefit ratio. Top | |
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