The Consideration of Efficient Strategic Plan Indices in Crises using Balanced Scorecard Mobasher Mohammad Ali Iran University Science & Technology (IUST), Narmak Ave, Tehran, Iran Online published on 6 September, 2014. Abstract Today, efficient strategies have resulted in the success of several firms in the world of business. Many studies have been performed on the issue of strategy, not much work, however, has been done in the field of designing an applied model for evaluating the strategies’ efficiency in crises. The employed strategies in the organizations in order to achieve goals must always be evaluated; one of these new and modern methods is the balanced scorecard performance evaluation in which the organization is evaluated both financially and non-financially. Balanced scorecard, being formed as a result of researches performed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in the field of organizations’ performance evaluation new methods in 1990, is considered as a powerful tool in performance evaluation of the organizations which was also used in this research to evaluate the indices of efficient strategic plans in crises. Using nominal technique and the previous researches, the main primary and secondary indices in the balanced scorecard were determined and the kind of their relations was also specified. Eventually, the final BSC model to investigate efficient strategic plan indices in crises was formulated. Top Keywords Crisis, Efficient Strategic Plan, Balanced Scorecard. Top | |
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