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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 8
First page : ( 360) Last page : ( 371)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Comparison of renewable energy consumption and economic growth in Developed and developing countries (With emphasis on hydro-electricity)

Dr Abbasi Ebrahima, Yashar Aylarb, Motevasel Shahrzadc, Hajmousavi Sarahc

aAssistant Professor, Economics, Islamic Azad University, Department of Economics, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

bM.A. in Economic Energy, Islamic Azad University, Department of Economics, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

cM.A. in Economic Development and Planning, Islamic Azad University, Department of Economics, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

Online published on 6 August, 2014.


In recent years many researchers have tried That Whether for economic growth just sufficient enough to appear on fossil fuels and Ends or you need renewables also is used to further economic growth? In this study, the relationship between renewable energy consumption and economic growth has been studied. This study uses a dynamic panel data model (GMM) is conducted. Sample used in this study included 29 selected countries: 7 countries, developing and developed countries over 22 years (2000–2010) is. The results of this study indicate that the impact of renewable energy on economic growth in developing countries equal to 0.117 In developed countries versus 0.076 is So the first and second research hypothesis that a significant and positive effect on economic growth in renewable energy was approved.



Renewable energy, economic growth in developed and developing countries, panel data.


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