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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 8
First page : ( 352) Last page : ( 359)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Relationship between Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction (Case study: the personnel of health and hygiene network of Sardasht, Piranshahr and Mahabad)

Mehni Mohammad Amin Kamrania, Aghabozorgi Amenehb, Posh Somaye Razmc, Alipour Osmand

aPh.D student, Public Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

bMasters of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Garmsar, Iran

cMA Public Administration, Ghaemshahr Branch, Payame Noor University, Ghaemshahr, Iran

dDepartment of Management, Payame Noor University, I. R. of Iran

Online published on 6 August, 2014.


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction among the health and hygiene network's personnel of Sardasht, Piranshahr and Mahabad which is performed with descriptive- correlational method and as a field research. The population of this study was the health and hygiene network's personnel of Sardasht, Piranshahr and Mahabad (N=180). The research sample was obtained 118 individuals according to Morgan table. In order to gather the information was used the organizational justice questionnaire of Niehoff and Moorman (1993) including 10 questions and Minnesota's job satisfaction questionnaire including 9 questions to evaluate job satisfaction. The validity of the questionnaires was approved by 7 professors of Management and the questionnaires reliability with Cronbach's alpha was obtained 0.88 and 0.92. The collected data was analyzed by statistical methods of Pearson's correlation coefficient and Friedman's rank test. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between distributive justice and job satisfaction and between procedural justice and job satisfaction (p=0.05). Therfore, managers of the health and hygiene networks of Sardasht, Piranshahr and Mahabad should pay attention to distributive hustice and procedural justice in order to help employees be satisfied with their jobs.



Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Job Satisfaction.


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