Consumers Preference towards Herbal Personal Care Products (HPCP) - A Micro Level Field Study in Mysore and Bangalore Saki Gity, Research Scholar, Shivaraj B., Professor B. N. Bahadur Institute of Management Sciences, University of Mysore, India Online published on 6 August, 2014. Abstract The present article explores the background of preferences and attitude of Indian Women towards the purchase of Herbal Personal care Products (HPCP). One hundred women respondents in and around the cities of Mysore and Bangalore were chosen through stratified random sampling. The study is focused on women since they are more aware and conscious of HPCP. The objectives of the research is to assess the influence of age on selected brands of HPCP and to explore the association between age group and consumer responses with that of different factorial attributes such as packaging, price, long lasting effect, ingredients and quality. The respondents were divided into four strata based on age. The responses sought were on five points Likert scale and analyzed on spss. Top Keywords Herbal Personal Care Products, Cosmetics, price. Ingredients, long-lasting effect, quality, preferences. Top | |
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