Cut in Excise Duty & Its Effect on Automobile Sector Gupta Neeloy Online published on 15 April, 2014. Abstract Since 2008 World economy has been in a depressionary trend & Indian economy is not also out of this trend because growth rate of our economy tells us that. India is not fully control this problem but uses several mechanisms to control this recession and I can cite that Indian automobile sector also faces negative growth rate in last quarter. So in order to boost up this sector it is true that Government's fiscal policy or Government's budget is very important. But through this paper I just want to show that government's boost up policy (through cut in excise duty on automobile sector) that has taken in the last ‘vote-on-account budget’ not always help that particular sector (here I discuss automobile sector) in long run. Top Keywords Depression, Growth rate, Boost up, Fiscal policy, Recession, Excise duty. Top | |
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