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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 4
First page : ( 352) Last page : ( 361)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

The Study of Job Opportunities of College Students: Evidence from Isfahan, Iran

Rahimi Ebrahima,,d, Goodarzi Mohammad Rezab, Mafi Majidc

aPhD Student, Human Resources Management, Isfahan University

dLecturer, Department of School Administration Athar of Arak, University Technical & Professional

bPhD. Economy and management, Lecturer, Department of School Administration Athar of Arak, University Technical & Professional, Iranian oil pipelines and telecommunications company employee the central region

cHead, Program Design School Administration Athar of Arak, University Technical & Professional

Online published on 15 April, 2014.


From the beginning and birth, the life of the people depends on their necessary needs that guarantee their course of life. Since there is no action out of political engineering field, the issue of meeting the needs is organized and done structurally within its field. The issue of employment that the necessity of human life justifies its basic importance is the most important problem that the government should solve it. In this essay, challenges and opportunities of academic education in providing skill needs of human force required for job market are discussed internally and externally from two aspects. This research attempts to find the employment rate of employment of male and female Kharazmi technical college graduates. Accordingly the sample was chosen randomly among male and female Kharazmi technical college graduates. In this research according to limitation of sample and supervisor's suggestion, 80 female and 100 male students were chosen. Total number of sample is 180. According to the rate of employment of male and female Kharazmi technical college graduates and also the purpose of research, the applied methodology in this research is descriptive – analytic interviewing and finally the research shows that the ratio of employment to relevant job and ratio of employment to irrelevant job in male graduates is different and also there is a meaningful relation between the entering female students to college and female employment and the ratio of male employment is not the same as the ratio of female employment.



Employment, colleges, job searching, skill, competence, job creation.


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