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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 4
First page : ( 340) Last page : ( 351)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

The Effect of Talent Management Strategy on Empowerment of Tehran Pasargad Bank's Employees

Allameh Sayyed Mohsen, Baniardalan Afsaneh

Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

Online published on 15 April, 2014.


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of talent management strategy on the empowerment of Tehran Pasargad Bank's employees. It was an applied study due to its objective and was also descriptive – survey in terms of the method used. Study population included the Tehran Pasargad Bank's employees as of 2013. The data collection tool of this research was the standard questionnaire. Validity of the research was confirmed by experts and respondents and its reliability was calculated and verified using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Collected questionnaires were analyzed through the Structural Equation Modeling approach using SPSS18 and AMOS20. Results of the study suggested that the talent management strategy was effective for the empowerment of Pasargad Bank's employees. On the other hand, analysis of the findings showed that different aspects of talent management strategy including performance management, employee development, communications, reward and recognition and the open atmosphere (organizational climate) and culture were effective for the empowerment of employees. Findings of the research lead to a better understanding of the behavioral mechanisms which, in turn, could be an acceptable basis for maintaining and increasing empowerment of employees in the banking industry.



Talent management, Empowerment, employee development, Pasargad Bank.


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