Investigate the Relationship between Qualities of Work Life and Customer Relationship Management in Government Organizations of Esfahan Province of Iran Hashempour Rouhollah, Assistance Professors, Zare Rahim Department of Management, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran Online published on 15 April, 2014. Abstract This Research survey the relationship between qualities of work life and customer relationship management in government organizations of Esfahan province. This research, based on Practical purpose and according to ways of collecting data, is a description of the correlation. This is practical because using the results of plan is useful for improving the operation of governmental agencies of Esfahan and this is descriptive because the study of the present situation quality of working life and relationships with customers has been under focus. And this is correlation because the researcher is about to relations between two variables. As the results showed, from the perspective of employee all components of quality of work life except from overall living atmosphere with degree of customer relationship management in governmental organizations of Esfahan has towards positive trend. The most important variables affecting customer relationship management are, fair paid of wages and benefits, the amount of legalism and social dependence of life's work. Adequate and Fair Compensation which means equal pay for equal work and the appropriateness of payments with social norms and personnel standards and compatibility with other types of work. Top Keywords Work Life Qualities, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Government Organizations. Top | |
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