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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 4
First page : ( 255) Last page : ( 267)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

The Effect of Placing, Aligning and Making Use of Reengineering (Case study: LGE)

Ramezani Ebrahim, Rezayepoor Mohsen

Department of Accounting, Esfarayen Branch, IsIamicAzad University, Esfarayen, Iran

Online published on 15 April, 2014.


Of the most exciting and debating today's managerial phenomena, is a phenomenon named renewed engineering of business process system that is introduced by words such a repeated designing, process innovation variety management and renewed structuring. The present study has been done in order to consider and research the effectiveness of performing renewed engineering upon working conditions af Mashhad Loleh Gostar. For performing this research, five variables have been studied namely, user's learning, outlet quality, personnel's working life quality, personnel's working life quality, company's expenses and eventually the time of conducting different processes. In order to consider and test the hypotheses of research, statistical sampling a group of consisting 241 people were chosen from different departments of the company and after preparing questionnaires related to the research variables, the prepared questionnaires presented to each intended groups and after collecting extracted data, they were analyzed by using chi-square test. The results show that conducting renewed engineering in the company caused an improvement in user's learning and an increase in outlet quality and also personnel's working life quality and finally a time reduction in conducting different processes in the company and also deduction in different expenses. Therefore the five hypotheses of the research were confirmed.



User's learning, outlet quality, working life quality, company's expenses, the time of performing processes.


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