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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year 2014, Volume-4, Issue-3 (March)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307

Table of contents

Impact of Credit Disbursement on Performance of MSMEs in India: An Empirical Analysis
Mohd Anwar

An Inter State Analysis of Participation of Marginalised Groups in India: A Study on MGNREGP
M. Indira, C. Anand

Economic Performance of Indo-China Merchandise Trade: An Analysis of RCA and RID Approaches
Ms. Shamika Kumar, Mr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani

Effective Project Management Leadership as a Project Success Factor
Mackson K Gilika, Samuel M Muwanei

The CSR - Overview of Provisions and Social Concerns
Vikas Katia

Investigating Causal Relationships between Foreign Institutional Investment with respect to Stock Market Returns and Exchange Rate in India
Ms. Vartika Khandelwal

Prospects & Challenges of Seeds Marketing in Costal Andhra: Role of Marketing Institutions
B. Sirisha, Dr. M. Kishore Babu

Fiscal Deficit and Inflation: Twin Problems in India
Ritu, Dr. Kamlesh Gakhar, Naresh Kumar

An Assessment of Financial Inclusion as an Impact of Microfinance – A Case Study
M Rajesha, Dr. K B Kiran

Evaluation of Statistical Models of Non-oil Exports in the Lorestan Province and Production of Line Process for Future Years 2013 and 2014 and 2015
Ghobad Beiranvand

Macro Economic Granger - Causal Dynamics in India: An Empirical Study
D Sreekanth, Dr. L. Krishna Veni

A Study on the Involvement of SHG Members in the Self Help Group Activities
Dr. P. Lourdes Poobala Rayen, D. Ponrani

Producers and Ultimate Users of Seasonal Products in Karnataka – Survey on Kolar District
Dr. D. Seetha Naik

Impact of Organized Retail Outlets on Unorganized Small Shops and Hawkers in Uttarakhand
Dr. Amit Adlakha, Dr. Vishal Shukla

Challenges and Opportunities of Horticultural Crops Export in Ethiopia: A Review
Kumilachew Alamerie Melesse

PEST Analysis for Indian Luxurious Hotel Market
Prof. Kalpesh B. Prajapati, Miss. Sharddha Jadeja, Miss. Manisha Goswami

Assessment of India's Bilateral Trade: Gravity Model Approach
Saheli Das, Rajendra Narayan Paramanik

Role of Tourism Sector in Expanding Economic Opportunities in Gujarat
Dr. Nilam Panchal, Dr. W. C. Singh

Efficiency Evaluation of the Agencies of Iran Insurance Company based on Data Envelopment Analysis Technique with Weight Restrictions (AR-DEA) and Goal Programming
Ahmad Javadipour, Dr. Hossein Safari, Dr. Taher Roshandel Arbatani

Investigating and Evaluating the Obstacles of Using Computer Auditing by using Three-pronged Model Auditing Organization of Iran
Syed Hossein Shamsinezhad, Marziyeh Mardani, Amir Mehdiabadi

Investigating the Role and Position of Research and Development Units in the Construction Industry from the Perspective of Construction Management
Hosein Ale Seyedan, Ayatollah Momayez, Mojtaba Hosseinalipour

Investigating the Impact of Knowledge Management on Entrepreneurial Opportunities Recognition in University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Tehran by Using Structural Equations Model
Fatemeh Bagherzadeh Lakani, Asef Karimi, Mahmood Ahmadpour Dariani

The Relationship between Total Quality Management and the Stress Factors of Employees’ Role
Saeed Sayadi, Farhad Gheisari, Sheida Astarki, Nioosha Meftah

A Survey on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence of Managers and Transformational Leadership Style in Mazandaran Telecommunication Company, Iran
Fatemeh Kazemi, Mohammad Gholami Azizi, Hossein Kazemi

Investigating the Effects of Business Intelligence and IT Infrastructure Flexibility on Competitive Advantage in Manufacturing Organizations Based on Organizational Agility Perspective
Amir Hooshang Nazarpoori, Masoud Ghodsi, Majid Kiani

An Evaluation of Organizational Communications Effect on Crisis Management: A Case of Tehran Municipality
Mohammad Reza Mohammadi, Heydar Torabi Godarzi

Evaluation of the relationship between time management and the performance of high schools principals
Abbas Zeydabadi

Presenting a Machine Vision System in Application of Wheat Sorting
Ebrahim Ebrahimi, Magid Heydari, Mojtaba Bavandpour, Hamidreza Heydari

The Effect of Corporate Entrepreneurs Roles on Business Performance
Mohammad Reza Zali, Mohammad Hossein Moezoddin, Sahar Rajaie, Azeen Daeijavad, Sepideh Ghotbi

Performance Evaluation of Enterprise Architecture Using Formal Models Based on TOGAF Framework
Masoumeh Fakhrabadi, Ali Harounabadi, Seyed Javad Mirabedini

Creating an Executable Model in Order to Evaluate Non-Functional Requirements in Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture
Gelareh Khazra, Ali Haroun Abadi, Seyed Javad Mir Abedini

The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Empowerment of Staff at Keshavarzi Bank
Hassan Darvish, Majid Zamahani, Rana Sadoughi

A Study of Factors Affecting Cultural Entrepreneurship and its Relation to Development and Employment (A Case of Special Economic Zone, Port of Imam Khomeini ‘gbuh’)
Roya Hashemi, Maryam Mohebbi, Ahmad Alamdari

An Empirical Investigation of Marketing Channel on Institution
Dr. Shalini Singh

Analysis of Debt Portfolio in Indian Corporate Sector
Dr. T. Venugopalan

A Comparative Study of TV and Internet Advertising in the Context of Informativeness Parameter
Dr. Gaurav Bisaria, Faraz Ahmad

Comparison of Teachers Attitude towards different aspects of Emotional and Ethical Growth of Top and Ordinary Students in Tajikistan High Schools
Shahnaz Moradi Ghareh Gheshlaghi

Retailing in India: Some Suggestions
Dr. Mandeep Singh, Dr. Harvinder Kaur

Sustainable Development and Indicators of Good Governance in India Issues & Challenges
Dr. Dhiresh Kulshrestha

Cost and Return Analysis of Gladiolus Cultivation in Kashmir Valley - A Study of Village Harwan
Dr. Imtiyaz-ul-Haq

Indebtedness Borrowing and Deficits in Uttar Pradesh (India)
Manjula Upadhyay

The Role of Investment on Albania's Long-Term Economic Growth
Genci Gjançi, Ardian Çërava


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