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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 3
First page : ( 504) Last page : ( 514)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Retailing in India: Some Suggestions

Dr. Singh Mandeep*, Dr. Kaur Harvinder**

*Associate Professor, Economics, Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Yamunanagar, India

**Associate professor, Commerce, Guru Nanak Girls College, Yamunanagr

Online published on 13 March, 2014.


Driven by strong fundamentals, the Indian retail sector is all set to narrate a very fascinating story in the next few years. The story will be characterized by radical changes, shattering of paradigms, large investments and few failures as well. This is notwithstanding the enormous set of challenges, complexities and high degree of dispersion of the Indian retail opportunity, all of which of course, seem surmountable.

The entire world would be a keen witness and perhaps a part of this story. At this point in time, we anticipate investments of more then US$ 35 billion in the next five years time frame. This has not happened in any of the emerging markets before. These investments are expected to change the face of retail in India with organized retail growing from current levels of US$12 billion, around 4% of total retail, to around US$ 100 billion in the next five years to capture a share of around 16% of total retail.

The Indian Retail Sector will offer many interesting trends and opportunities in the coming years. The present paper offers some suggestions for Retailing in India



Retailing, Local Manufacturing.


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