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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 3
First page : ( 84) Last page : ( 100)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

Prospects & Challenges of Seeds Marketing in Costal Andhra: Role of Marketing Institutions

Sirisha B.*, Dr. Babu M. Kishore**

*Ph.D Scholar, K L University

**Associate Professor, KLU Business School, K L University

Online published on 13 March, 2014.


Seed market in India is a unique market and Indian Seed Industry is poised to grow at a CAGR of 17% for next 4 years. By 2014, India will rank at No 3 or 4 in the Global Seed Business. The people has becoming modernized due to green revolution and were using hybrid seeds for farming creating many opportunities to seeds companies to enter into market. The marketing institutions like NAFED, MARKFED etc were supporting farmers by providing subsidies, producing seeds by own, and getting seeds at reasonable prices in time. The seeds were produced by both public and private companies, now-a-days it has been observed that international seed companies were being attracted to India because of the country's varied agro climatic conditions and abundant skilled and unskilled labor, as hybrid seed production, is highly labor intensive. The private sector is growing rapidly in the last decades due to the increase in proprietary of hybrid seed market, eating away at the share of market leaders. With introduction of BT cotton, the seed industry encompasses a seed market as well as a technology market. Marketing a product to farmers is not much easy as sometimes they take some other decisions and also reaching rural areas is not also much easy due to poor infra structure, Storage facility, Access to market, media, distribution, seasonal changes, weather conditions, literacy etc. Village seed banks are paving way for procurement of quality seeds.



Seeds marketing, High Yielding Varieties, Hybrid seeds, Green Revolution, Fake seeds.


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