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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 11
First page : ( 254) Last page : ( 270)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7307.2014.00990.6

A survey of future research in business research field (Case study: Business Research and Studies Institute)

Abarghouei Naser Sadraa, Hajloo M.H.b, Khani Mortezac,*, Darberazi Ali Saffarid

aAssistant Professor, University of Applied Science and Technology, Iran

bAssistant Professor, University of Applied Science and Technology, Iran

cM.A of Management Of Technology, Allame Tabatabei University, Tehran, Iran

dResearch and Technology expert, University of Applied Science and Technology, Iran

*Corresponding author


Foresight is an analytical-perspective tool that focuses on the alternative futures from the beneficiary fields’ viewpoint (disciplines). The tool helps decision-making processes at different levels. The present study examines different perspectives of future studies and proposes a framework for identifying and prioritizing the effective variables on the aspects of future study in business research. To this end, the different perspectives and policy-making functions of future studies were mapped. The results indicated that familiarity of the participants with future studies was the most effective factor. The variables were also ranked separately based on the aspects. Eventually, the relationship between the variables and the pertinent aspects was measured.



Future studies, aspects of foresight, business researches, fuzzy topsis.


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