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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 11
First page : ( 216) Last page : ( 229)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7307.2014.00987.6

The study of the relationship between employee's perception of organizational justice and the extent to which their deviant work behaviors are exhibited at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences

Mirshekari Mahdieha, Darbandi Bahram Tayeranib

aMA Student, Public Administration University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran

bCo-Author MA Student, Public Administration University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran


The role and importance of human resources in the development of social systems including educationalresearch, health institutions of the country, which have become more convoluted today, have not been concealed from anyone. Injustice in the implementation of laws and administrative regulations and unfair distribution of the achievements of an organization among organization labor force would result in demoralizing them in their work and a manifestation of deviant behaviors in most cases. With the aim of establishing the relationship between organizational justice and the exhibition of deviant work behaviors among the headquarter employee of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, the study was conducted in 2013. It served an analytic (correlation)-descriptive purpose. The statistical population consisted of the headquarter employee of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, the sample size of which has been selected as many as 221 workers in a stratified random sampling manner. The instruments for collecting data and measuring subjectsconsisted of two standard questionnaires; namely Niehoff and Moorman's organizational justice questionnaire and Kuyt et al‘s deviant behavior questionnaire, which were confirmed in terms of reliability and validity. The results of the study showed that the mean scores of employee's deviant behaviors are different only in accordance with age and employment status variables in spite of a little correlation between organizational justice and deviant work behaviors. Despite the fact that the findings of the study confirm those of previous ones, the change in the score of organizational justice, in this study, does not verify the changes in the employee's deviant behaviors in the workplace.



Organizational Justice, Procedural Justice, Distributive Justice, Interactional Justice, Deviant Work Behavior, Job Deviation, Malfeasance, Administrative Corruption.


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