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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 11
First page : ( 165) Last page : ( 171)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7307.2014.00982.7

Look East Policy: India's Motive and Opportunities & Threats Ahead

Dr. Singh Kshetrimayum Ranjan*, Dr. Singh Ch. Ghanajit**

*Faculty, Department of Computer Science, Manipur University, Imphal, India

**Associate Professor & Head, Department of Commerce, Biramangol College, Sawombung, Manipur, India 


Since 1992, India started giving importance to South and South East Asian Countries in order to expand its trading activities. These countries have been considered as important trading destinations besides U.K. and other European countries. Government of India has started taking serious steps towards promoting Look East Policy. India has developed various bilateral and multilateral trade relations with these countries. Of the bilateral trade relations Indo-China, Indo-Myanmar and Indo-Sri Lanka and multilateral trade relations with India and South East Asian countries through BCIM, BIMSTEC, SAFTA, ASEAN and ASEAN Regional Forum are significant.

Geographically these South East Asian countries are connected continentally with its North Eastern States with maximum of their borders sharing with these countries. In order to take the maximum advantage of India's Look East Policy, there is a need to bring all round development of these North Eastern States.

This paper focuses mainly on India's motive behind the Look East Policy, trading opportunities of Manipur and other North Eastern States of India, threats to these regions and some recent development in India's Look East Policy.



Look East Policy, North Eastern Region of India, Opportunities & Threats, South East Asian Countries, Border Trade.


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