Appraisal of Performance of State Road Transport Corporations with special reference to Revenue Management -A Case Study Devi Suman Research Scholar, Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India Abstract Road Transport is the primary mode of mobility in common mass. In India, State Road Transport Corporations (SRTCs) are engaged in providing road transport facility to the people. They run their services on the basis of business principles. Revenue generation is one of the core activities in this field. Present study discusses the sources of revenue in SRTCs taking a case of Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC). It also examines various sources of earning and analyse the trend of earning. Further the study shows the situation of UPSRTC in comparison to other SRTCs and analyse its drawback in the process of generating revenue. Top Keywords Revenue, Business principle, Road Transport, Corporation, Mobility, etc. Top | |
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