Predictor Equation for the Economic Impact of Tourism in Kanyakumari District Dr. Sreedevi V., Research Guide, Dr. Geetha S., Research Scholar Manonmanian Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli Abstract Tourism today is one of the fastest growing industries throughout the world. Though the Third World shares a small percentage of this growth, tourism is an important economic force in almost all developing countries. Realizing the potential benefit of tourism, the developing countries have taken measures to improve their infrastructure and in the way of exploiting this new avenue for economic development. Modern tourism has acquired the status of an industry with great potential for augmenting foreign exchange earnings, creating employment opportunities and promotional local crafts. India is one of the cheapest tourism destinations and has a lot to offer like natural beauty, adventure sports, indigenous culture and so on. Tourism has been recognized as a core sector of Indian economy and the government is taking all initiatives to develop the sector. The tourism sector in India is making a major contribution to the growth of national economy and this sector has recorded a double digit growth in a number of foreign tourist arrivals and foreign exchange earnings in the recent past. Top Keywords Tourism, Booming industry, Economic development, Foreign Exchange, Employment, Local area development. Top | |
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